About Us

The story of how Fundae's began...
In 2017 we started the process of opening up an ice cream shop in Whitestown. We saw a need for an ice cream shop in this area and so our adventures with Fundae’s began.
Our family loves ice cream. We celebrate our kids’ achievements with ice cream, a vacation is never complete without a stop to a local ice cream shop, but often times we just go to reconnect with each other and talk over a scoop. Life is hectic and busy, but we think it’s important to enjoy the small things in life, like ice cream!
We hope Fundae’s will be a place that you can make memories with your family. Come in, grab your favorite scoop, sit back, and relax. We’ve tried to make our store as family friendly as possible.
As part of our vision for Fundae’s we find it very important to give back to our community. We love partnering with schools and other organizations that make an impact in the community.
One of the best parts of Fundae’s is our scoopers! For most of our scoopers this is their first job and we think it’s so important that this experience be a great one for them. Not only are they working here and interacting with customers, but they’re also learning skills that transfer into adulthood and beyond.
Thank you for being part of our story and allowing Fundae’s to be a part of your story. We truly value every customer and scooper who walks through our doors. We are always open to suggestions or comments, so if you have an idea, please reach out to us.
We’ll see you soon, over a scoop!
Kas and Donny Miller